Monday, October 02, 2006

Irak Burkulese on Probation

It's been reported. Irak Burkuleese was on probation from his incident with a Killer Bee smuggled in by the GZA posing as a College Football running back. The bee which suffered no injuries plunged its venom into the face of I.B. directly between the eyes. Although stunned and swollen, the Gold Fronts saw no other option than to put Irak, the Fronts weakest link, on probation. After all a real Gold Front wouldn't allow a little Killer Bee to do such damage. It wasn't until under closer examination that main Front member, Skinny Dippin' realized that all the swelling was really caused by three kilos of Columbian Cocaine. It was only a matter of seconds before Irak Burkulese was removed from probation and ascended to Heaven to receive a biblical reacharound from the lord almighty. Hallelujah!


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