Monday, September 11, 2006

A new Gold Fronts video....Say it ain't so

That's right kids the Notorious Gold Fronts bicycle Gang is producing another marvelous rap video with the helping hand Valerie Bischoff. It will include the rap styling of Hacksaw Ben THuggin, Crunkyard Dog, Grand Masta Pabst, and of course Nate Watson. Guest appearances include: Dracula, Hulk Holgan, Kenny Jesus, and Magic Johnson. Due to the generous talent of DJTK47 on the production of the song, and the limitless resources of the GF Crew, proves to be better than the first. It will be out later this fall and followed by the release of the Gold Fronts second album titled CRIMINAL MASS. Stay tuned for up dates. GF


Blogger goldfrontsnation said...

NO TK? This Video better blow my mind. Yet, I have no doubt that it will!

11:16 PM  
Blogger goldfrontsnation said...

Soo stoked about the new video. And for being included as part of the crew

11:12 AM  

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